
The share of RES in electricity generation in the EU will reach 60% by 2030

The European Electricity Association Eurelectric has released the Power Barometer, a set of key industry indicators that reflects historical developments in the energy sector and highlights the challenges facing the goal of a climate-neutral European economy by 2050.


The process of decarbonization of the electric power industry is proceeding at a rapid pace, the Association notes. Two-thirds of the electricity generated in Europe in the first half of this year is carbon-free. The share of renewable energy sources is 40% of total production, while electricity generation based on fossil fuels has fallen by 18%. The Barometer shows that the rate of decline in coal-fired power generation is ahead of the trajectory of the European long-term strategy.

By 2030, the number of EU countries without coal generation will reach 21. And this trend will continue. Whether the European economy faces a protracted economic crisis or a rapid recovery, by 2030 up to 80% of the EU’s electricity could be produced without the use of fossil fuels. At the same time, 60% of electricity will be generated on the basis of renewable energy sources (including hydroelectric power plants).


It is noted that the EU should take steps to avoid unfair competition and imports of coal-based electricity from third countries. The Barometer records a sharp and sudden increase from 3 TWh to more than 20 TWh of electricity imported annually from outside the EU over the past 5 years. Due to weak energy and climate regulations, the average CO2 intensity of imported electricity is two to three times higher than that of electricity produced in Europe.

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